St. Norbert Parish

About Us

Our Mission

We exist to form disciples of Jesus Christ!

Our Vision

To be a welcoming community that encourages personal encounters with Jesus and provides opportunities to share Him with others.  

St. Norbert Vision Prayer

Loving and Merciful God, 

We humbly ask for your grace as we 

aspire to become a welcoming community 

seeking to encounter Jesus and share Him with others. 

Help us to listen attentively for the guidance of the Holy Spirit 

and lovingly embrace Jesus present in each other,  

the poor, the alienated and the spiritually hungry.  Amen. 

St. Norbert Minister of Peace and Concord, Pray for us. 

Our Strategy

Our strategy is to focus on building relationships in our community through our parish activities and the parish school. We want to reach out to people with a fresh and relevant perspective to meet people where they are in their journey towards discipleship. Wherever someone is on their journey, we want to help them take their next steps on the path of becoming a devoted follower of Jesus Christ.  

Our Focus

Our Strategic Anchors are central to our evangelization strategy. These four strategic anchors help drive all decisions at Saint Norbert:  

  1. Leadership: Building a leadership culture
  2. Grow Deeper: Lighting a path to Jesus 
  3. Grow Wider: Inviting the seeker  
  4. Exceptional Weekend Experience: Encounter Jesus through worship, welcome, and hospitality

Our Purpose

We strongly believe that being a disciple is all about intentional decisions. STEPS is our answer to the question: How do I grow deeper as a follower of Jesus? 

    Serving in Ministry

    Tithing & Giving

    Engaging in Small Groups

    Practice Prayer & Sacraments

    Share your Faith

    Parish History

      St. Norbert parish has been led by five pastors to date. In 1957, Father Hyde was succeeded by Father James M. Johnson. He served until 1964 when Father Burke was appointed to the position. He led our parish until December 31, 1996. On January 1, 1997 Father Domenic A. Rossi became our pastor. His great love of the Lord inspired and shaped our community greatly. Father Michael J. Lee came to us from our sister parish, St. Gabriel in South Philadelphia, in July of 2010. We are now blessed to have Fr. Steven J. Albero as our current pastor.  We pray that the Lord continues to guide and inspire him in leading our community.

      History Timeline


      The Norbertines came from the Netherlands and arrived in America

      They were asked by a local Bishop to minister to the Dutch-speaking people near Green Bay, Wisconsin. It is there that they formed St. Norbert Abbey. In 1932 the Wisconsin Norbertines sent some of their brothers to Claymont, Delaware, and in 1934 others were sent to South Philadelphia.


      Norbertines purchased the Cassatt estate

      It was in 1950 that the Norbertines purchased the Cassatt estate, presently the Upper Main Line YMCA, with the intention to establish an abbey in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. 


      St. Norbert is formed

      In 1956 Cardinal O’Hara, then Archbishop of Philadelphia, formed a new parish, St. Norbert, from portions of St. Monica’s in Berwyn and St. Patrick’s in Malvern. He entrusted its care to the Norbertines.

      The pastor of St. Norbert Parish is nominated by the Abbot of Daylesford Abbey. The nomination is then approved by the Archbishop of Philadelphia.

      The founding pastor of our parish was Father Robert L. Hyde. He celebrated the first parish Mass at 7:00 AM on Sunday, July 15, 1956 in the old Paoli Fire House.


      First Mass

      Things quickly evolved from that first Mass. On May 12, 1957, we broke ground on the crest of the hill that overlooks Route 252 for two buildings — a combined church and school, and a convent. Four sisters of the Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart came to open St. Norbert School. They held classes in the auditorium of St. Monica’s school while our buildings were under construction. By May of 1958 construction was complete. Our original church was on the ground floor of the present-day school building, and classrooms were on the second floor. The first Mass was celebrated on May 4, and the school was opened on May 26. The Grey Nuns served our children with tremendous dedication for the next 40 years.



      Construction of St. Norbert Church

      Construction of the church in which we now worship began on April 15, 1984. Cardinal Krol, Archbishop of Philadelphia, officiated over the dedication ceremony on May 5, 1985. Known for the beauty of its faceted-glass windows, our church serves as a beautiful symbol of joyful worship. Maria de los A. Morales, a parishioner and gifted artist, donated her talent in designing this stunning hallmark of our church.



      Parish Activity Center (PAC)

      In 1992 we added our Parish Activity Center (PAC). In 1997, we renamed the center in honor of our former pastor, Father Walter J. Burke.



      New oratory

      A new oratory adjacent to our church and dedicated to Our Lady of Guadaloupe as well as an addition to our education center was opened in 2005.



      Ash Wedenesday & Lenten Schedule

      Ash Wednesday is March 5th, 2025

      7:30m Mass
      9am School Mass
      12pm Liturgy of the Word with Ashes
      6pm Mass
      7:30pm Spanish Mass

      Stations of the Cross

      Friday, March 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, April 4th, & 11th, at 6pm in the Church.

      Poor Man’s Supper

      (6:45pm in the School Dining Hall)

      Marth 7th, Hosted by Walking with Purpose

      Martch 14th, Hosted by the Marriage Enrichment Group

      March 21st, Hosted by the 50+ Group

      March 28th, Hosted by the Youth Group

      April 11th, Hosted by the Knights of Columbus

      Reconciliation Schedule

      Saturdays: 3:30pm – 4:40pm

      First Sunday of the Month: 12pm – 1pm

      Lenten Confession Service (April 9th): 7pm – 8pm in the Church


      Important First Holy Communion dates for 2024-2025 School Year

      First Communion Parent Workshop
      Date: Wednesday, February 5, 2025 at 7:00 PM
      Location: Church Oratory

      First Communion Retreat
      Date: Saturday, April 5, 2025 – 8:30AM – 12 noon
      Parent and child attend together; breakfast provided.

      Sacrament of First Holy Communion at St. Norbert
      Date: Saturday, May 3, 2025
      9:00AM for St. Norbert School
      11:00AM for Standard CaFFE Program and Family Program

      Rehearsal for First Communion:
      Date: Thursday, May 1, 2025
      5 – 6 P.M. for St Norbert School and CaFFE Family Program Students
      6 – 7 P.M. for Standard CaFFE Students and Spanish Mass Students


      Confirmation for the students preparing in the 2024-2025

      Confirmation for the students preparing in the 2024-2025 Year will be held in the Fall of 2025

      As a part of this preparation, there are two mandatory requirements:

      • A Confirmation Retreat for the students held in the Fall of 2025
        Confirmation Rehearsal for students AND sponsors held in the Fall of 2025
      • These dates will be communicated immediately once determined by the Archdiocese.


      Small Group Interest

      Small group of interest:(Required)



      Homebound Form



      Ooutreach Ministry

      Request Form

      Outreach Ministry Request Form

      MM slash DD slash YYYY
      MM slash DD slash YYYY
      Requested By:
      [Please tell us what your monthly rent or monthly bill cost is in total]
      Are you a Parishioner of St. Norbert (check box)?
      If no monthly rent bill is given you, please copy lease agreement
      Max. file size: 64 MB.
      Include full name, phone number & e-mail address (if applicable)


      Prayer Request Form

      Prayer Request

      Name of person to be prayed for
      Name of person making prayer request
      Would you like a member of the prayer ministry to contact you to arrange a time to pray by phone?
      How would you like them to contact you?
      Would you like to be included in the prayer intentions read during Mass (normally read for two weeks)?
      Would you like to be included in the Prayers for Healing list in the weekly bulletin?


      Global Missions

      Interest Form

      Global Missions

      Please note that serving is dependent on successfully completing your safe environment clearances and ministry training. Click here to learn more about safe environment. We are here to help you with this process.


      Helping Hands

      Interest Form

      Helping Hands

      Please note that serving is dependent on successfully completing your safe environment clearances and ministry training. Click here to learn more about safe environment. We are here to help you with this process.


      Our Light the Night: Evening of Praise, Worship & Adoration

      Our Light the Night: Evening of Praise, Worship & Adoration is held every other month on the First Friday at St. Norbert Church. You are encouraged to invite others to attend-- All are welcome! Hospitality is offered after each night of worship.

      Below are the dates through 2025:

      Friday, February 7, 2025 at 7PM
      Friday, April 4, 2025 at 7PM
      Friday, June 6, 2025 at 7PM
      Friday, August 1, 2025 at 7PM
      Friday, October 3, 2025 at 7PM
      Friday, December 5, 2025 at 7PM

      Dates are subject to change if parish events or schedules change. Date changes will be communicated through the weekly bulletin, social media, weekly email blast, and here on the website. Check back often!


      Newsletter Signup

      Please fill out the form to start receiving email communications from the Parish.

      Newsletter Sign Up


      You will need to fill out a baptism inquiry form above. You will be contacted with information regarding our baptism preparation program and scheduling your child’s baptism. 


      You will need to fill out a baptism inquiry form above. You will be contacted with information regarding our baptism preparation program and scheduling your child’s baptism. 


      You will need to fill out a baptism inquiry form above. You will be contacted with information regarding our baptism preparation program and scheduling your child’s baptism. 


      You will need to fill out a baptism inquiry form above. You will be contacted with information regarding our baptism preparation program and scheduling your child’s baptism. 


      You will need to fill out a baptism inquiry form above. You will be contacted with information regarding our baptism preparation program and scheduling your child’s baptism. 

      Small Groups

      You will need to fill out a baptism inquiry form above. You will be contacted with information regarding our baptism preparation program and scheduling your child’s baptism. 


      You will need to fill out a baptism inquiry form above. You will be contacted with information regarding our baptism preparation program and scheduling your child’s baptism. 


      Ministry Interest Form - All Ministries

      Serving at Saint Norbert is part of becoming a deeper disciple of Jesus Christ.

      Please select which weekend ministries you would like to serve as a minister/disciple:
      Preferred Mass times you would like to serve (you may pick multiple Masses):
      Please note that serving is dependent on successfully completing your safe environment clearances and ministry training. Click here to learn more about safe environment. We are here to help you with this process.