St. Norbert Parish

Prayer Requests
A group of intercessors are dedicated to praying for the needs of our parish and our parishioners. We would welcome the opportunity to pray with you. If you would like to submit a prayer request, please click the link below.

Small Groups
We feel that a small group is the best pastoral care delivery system. We all need community! Groups are available in all life stages, and meet seasonally and/or weekly. Check out our small groups page to learn more and find a group.

Outreach Ministry
To share Christ’s merciful love, we help those having trouble paying their utility, rent, telephone, or food expenses. If you are in need of support, please fill out the form below or download the form and submit it to the parish office.

Food Pantry
We provide food for families in need. Food distribution takes place on Thursdays from 10am to 12pm in the Oratory of the Church. Please contact Lisa ( | 610-883-6165) to register before coming to ensure there is enough food for everyone.
If you would like to serve in this ministry, click the button below.

Helping Hands
Helping hands is a ministry that helps parishioners with various tasks and needs like getting to medical appointments, shopping for groceries, provide a simple meal, and more. If you need assistance, please call the parish office.

Extraordinary Communion Ministers bring Communion to homebound parishioners who are unable to attend Mass.