St. Norbert COVID-19 Updates

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Archbishop Pérez has announced that parishes of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia will be able to resume public Masses the weekend of June 6th and 7th. The Archbishop and the diocesan staff have put significant time and effort into developing a plan for resuming masses. So, have we at the Parish. We at Saint Norbert Parish look forward to welcoming you back! Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus as we make our way back to the in-person celebration of the Mass.

While our county remains in the Yellow Phase of statewide reopening, all of us need to do our part to make sure that our return to Mass is a peaceful and safe experience for all. Please take the time to read the guidelines below. We ask everyone to follow these guidelines when attending Mass during this period:



The change in the Mass schedule is as follows beginning Saturday, October 3, 2020:

  • 5:00 PM Saturday night,
  • 9:00 AM Sunday morning,
  • 11:00 AM Sunday morning,
  • Spanish Mass at 1:30 PM,
  • 6:00 PM Youth Mass Sunday evening.
  • Confessions will be available after the 9:00 AM mass beginning at 9:45am or by appointment.

Please note: There will only be one daily mass.

  • Daily Mass, Monday to Saturday will move to 7:30 AM only beginning Monday, June 8, 2020.

This has been accepted by the Parish Council and the Parish Leadership Team for safety.

Masses will continue to be available via livestream.

  • 9:00 AM
  • 1:30PM Spanish Mass
  • 6:00PM Youth Mass
  • 7:30 AM Daily Mass
  • Other sacramental celebrations and devotions


  • Please do not come to Mass if you are sick or are at higher risk for severe illness with COVID19 – Especially those 65 or older and those with underlying conditions (see CDC guidelines).
  • Please wash your hands for 20 seconds using soap and water.
  • Before entering the Church, please put on a facemask or cloth covering. This is mandatory.
  • If you can not wear the mask for the duration of Mass, please stay home.
  • Exceptions to this are “children younger than 2 years old, anyone who has trouble breathing, and anyone who is incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the cloth face covering without assistance” (CDC Guidelines).


  • Entry to the church is only available through the front doors – only the main entrance is to be used.
  • Please do not congregate for any reason, especially in the narthex, coming (and exiting) Mass.
  • Hand sanitizers will be available at the Church entrance. Please use the hand sanitizer upon entering and exiting the Church. Consider bringing hand sanitizer for personal use before receiving Holy Communion.
  • To make sure everyone is at least 6 feet apart, we are limiting attendance at Mass. While we do not expect to reach our limit, overflow seating outside will be available.
  • Missalettes will not be available at this time.


  • The Parish staff and safety volunteers will be present to assist people with seating.
  • When taking your seat, please honor all posted signs about where you may sit. Every third pew will be open to ensure proper social distancing of 6 feet.
  • Members of the same household may sit together as normal. Please place 6 feet between your household and members of a different household.
  • Handicapped seating will be arranged by staff and safety volunteers.


  • Minimal singing at masses will be observed. No song sheets will be available.
  • There will be no Offertory procession.
  • There will be no Sign of Peace during Mass.
  • The Precious Blood will not be distributed during Mass.
  • There should be no holding of hands during the Our Father.
  • There will be no collection taken up during the Offertory. Baskets will be available as you enter and leave the church through the main entrance. Additionally, please visit our website at parish.stnorbert.comfor easy ways to donate online. We now accept all major credit cards.


  • During the Yellow Phase, the faithful will receive Holy Communion in the hand.
  • The Communion ministers will be positioned at the Altar step. We ask that the main aisle of the church be used for communion.
  • In single file, please approach one of the ministers then return by the side aisles. After the center pews have received, the sides of the church will process to the back and up the center aisle to receive Holy Communion.
  • Please maintain social distancing in the Communion line. Please keep several pews between yourself and the person in front of you (at least 6 feet) while in line and when returning to your pew.
  • Please consider sanitizing your hands before coming to communion.
  • Do not remove your mask before receiving Holy Communion.
  • The Communion minister will say Body of Christ. Respond Amen with your mask on.
  • After receiving the Body of Christ in the hand with mask on, the recipient should turn 90 degrees to face where they will be walking, take two strides, stop, release the mask from the bottom if able to do so – thus if possible, keeping the nose partially covered and consume the Body of Christ.
  • Replace mask fully before returning to the pew, keeping head tilted down in a prayerful manner while mask is off.
  • If you receive a gluten free host, please tell the communion minister at the altar step.
  • Communion will be brought to the handicapped.


  • At the conclusion of Mass, the parish staff and safety ministers will have you exit one row at a time so please do not leave your pew until you are directed.
  • Please exit the Church through the main doors and proceed directly to your car. Please do not congregate for any reason, especially in the narthex, coming to (and exiting) Mass.
  • Please leave your mask on until you exit the Church and are in your car.
  • Please take a parish bulletin home with you or visit our website to review online.


St. Norbert Parish will follow the guidelines from the CDC for sanitation as we resume public Masses.

We, the parish staff, are delighted that there is some return to the normal celebration of the Eucharist. However, as you can see, we are taking our safety very seriously. We ask that you embrace these changes with an open heart and open mind recognizing that there will come a point where we can return to more normal.

How blessed is St. Norbert parish? We have striven to stay connected through these past months; your generous donations continue to support our ministry here at the parish. Your love, care, and concern for the poor continues to feed hundreds of people but maybe, the biggest blessing is that we are invited to share in the Eucharist on June 6th, the patronal feast of our church. It is the Feast day of St. Norbert!

With shared prayer in the guidance of the Holy Spirit this Pentecost Sunday,

Fr. Steve, Fr. Jim and the Parish Staff

Dear Friends,

There is such a wide range of ways to responding to what I am calling “Our New Parish Normal”.  I want to assure you; you are not forgotten.  We are here for you.  We are working on new ways to communicate and connect.

On our new parish website, our Facebook and Instagram account, as well as YouTube  there are links to many helps and guides provided by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and other sources that the parish is either doing now or will be doing in the weeks ahead.

Please stay tuned and continue to visit this page for more updates.



AV Enhancement Announcement, Feb 28, 2021

March 26, 2020

Our gift to you!

March 22, 2020

Upcoming Livestreams

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Click Here for the Mass Schedule information

* Updated October 3/4, 2020

All St. Norbert masses are now open to the public.

St. Norbert is livestreaming our Mass, Holy Hour and other events to keep us all connected during this time.

Please join us Monday to Saturday at 7:30am for Daily Mass.

Sunday Mass Schedule is as follows:

Saturday Vigil Mass moved from 4pm to 5:00pm *

Sunday –  9:00am (livestreamed)

Sunday –  11:00am *

Sunday Spanish Mass  – 1:30pm (livestreamed)

Sunday Youth Mass  – 6:00pm (livestreamed)


Other opportunities for mass include:

Daily Mass:

Daily Mass Live-Streamed from Bishop Barron’s Chapel

Available at 8:15 AM (ET):

Sunday Mass:

Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, Philadelphia

Livestreamed Sunday Mass at 11:00 AM:

Televised Mass in Spanish – Misa televisada en español 

The Sunday Mass airs every Sunday morning at 5:30 am on WPVI Channel 6.

They may have a replay available on their website

Prayer Requests

Need some extra prayers?  We have trained prayer ministers available to pray for any need.  We want our community to grow in the gift of intercessory prayer: praying for one another.  Please visit this link and fill out the form with your intention.


Deacon John Lozano’s Podcast


When Should You Make an Act of Spiritual Communion?

The most common occasion for making an Act of Spiritual Communion is when we cannot fulfill our obligation to attend Mass on a Sunday or Holy Day of Obligation, whether because of illness or bad weather, or some other reason outside of our control. You can make an Acts of Spiritual Communion at any time and make multiple times a day—even on days when we have been able to receive the Eucharist. Each Act of Spiritual Communion that we make increases our desire to receive sacramental Communion, and protects us until we can receive Holy Communion sacramentally again.


My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.

I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul.

Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.

I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You.

Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen

Pope Francis’ Prayer for Protection during the Coronavirus Pandemic

O Mary, you shine continuously on our journey as a sign of salvation and hope. We entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick.

At the foot of the Cross you participated in Jesus’ pain, with steadfast faith. You, Salvation of the Roman People, know what we need.

We are certain that you will provide, so that, as you did at Cana of Galilee, joy and feasting might return after this moment of trial.

Help us, Mother of Divine Love, to conform ourselves to the Father’s will and to do what Jesus tells us: He who took our sufferings upon Himself, and bore our sorrows to bring us, through the Cross, to the joy of the Resurrection. Amen.

We seek refuge under your protection, O Holy Mother of God. Do not despise our pleas – we who are put to the test – and deliver us from every danger, O glorious and blessed Virgin.

Prayer for the End of the Coronavirus

Jesus Christ, you traveled through towns and villages “curing every disease and illness.”

At your command, the sick were made well.   Come to our aid now, in the midst of the global spread of the coronavirus, that we may experience your healing love.  Heal those who are sick with the virus.

May they regain their strength and health through quality medical care. Heal us from our fear, which prevents nations from working together and neighbors from helping one another. Heal us from our pride, which can make us claim invulnerability to a disease that knows no borders.

Jesus Christ, you traveled through towns and villages “curing every disease and illness.”  Come to our aid now,  that we may experience your healing love. Jesus Christ, healer of all, stay by our side in this time of uncertainty  and sorrow.

Be with those who have died from the virus. May they be at rest with you  in your eternal peace.

Be with the families of those who are sick or have died.  As they worry and grieve, defend them from illness and despair.  May they know your peace.

Be with the doctors, nurses, researchers and all medical professionals who seek to heal and help those affected and who put themselves  at risk in the process.  May they know your protection and peace.

Be with the leaders of all nations. Give them the foresight to act with charity and true concern for the well-being of the people they are meant to serve. Give them the wisdom to invest in long-term solutions that will help prepare for or prevent future outbreaks. May they know your peace, as they work together to achieve it on earth.

Whether we are home or abroad, surrounded by many people suffering from  this illness or only a few, Jesus Christ, stay with us as we endure and mourn, persist and prepare.

In place of our anxiety, give us your peace. Jesus Christ, heal us.


Our St. Norbert Outreach ministry is working hard to assist and keep connected with those in need

  • Contacting any parishioners 70 and older by phone or e mail, to see if they need any help. Thanks to the 50+ Group for calling over 500 parishioners.
  • Working with our Helping Hands Ministry to pick up and deliver food if needed or drive people to doctor’s offices for appointments.
  • Calling all our parishioners who receive the Holy Eucharist, at home, that is distributed by our Eucharist to the Homebound to the Eucharist ministry members, to check on them.
  • Calling everyone on our sick list to see if they need any help.
  • Collection and distribution continues for Wednesday Procurement and distribution to Bethesda and St. Gabe’s food cupboard.
  • We are still in great need of nonperishable items. Please drop off in narthex ONLY from 9:00AM-Noon, Monday through Sunday.

If you can help in any way, contact Director of Outreach Services, Kurt Zampier at

Thank you for your help.

Please visit the Archdiocese website for the most up to date info

For spiritual resources, please visit

Please visit the Archdiocese ARISE website for the most up to date resources during the pandemic