Divine Mercy Ministry

The Divine Mercy ministry involves caring for those in need in times of distress to share the experience of Christ’s merciful love.

This translates into helping those around us who are having trouble paying their utility, telephone, being able to feed themselves and their children, etc. We will take donations and pay the bills directly to the company providing the services, and/or contact the food ministry to arrange for the families to receive enough food for the week.  Let’s continue to help those who are in need who are out of work, underemployed, or simply cannot make ends meet. What we do for the least of my brothers, we do for you, Jesus.

Divine Mercy: What can I do to help?


  • Give a donation: Make the check out to St. Norbert Parish and in the check memo line write: Divine Mercy.
  • Mail it to St. Norbert Parish 50 Leopard Road Paoli PA 19301 or drop off at the parish office in the mail slot on the front door. You can also put it in the weekly collection basket in the narthex at Mass on Saturday/Sunday.

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