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Marriage is the union of a baptized man and woman who freely enter into a loving covenant with each other in Christ. The self-giving love of bride and groom is sealed and strengthened by the Lord.  The Sacrament of Marriage celebrates the commitment of the couple to living out in their lives together the covenant relationship between God and people.  It reflects the seven characteristics of the biblical covenant, toward which the couple strive. And the Church community commits itself to supporting the couple in their quest.

Congratulations and blessings on your engagement! 

To start your wedding planning, please contact the parish office for church availability and to set up an initial meeting with a priest or deacon to being your wedding preparation and interview process.

Items you will need to provide before your wedding:

Baptism Certificates:

  • from your baptismal parish WITHIN 6 months of your wedding date

Pre-Cana course completion certificate

  • Pre Cana courses are not currently offered at St Norbert’s but you can find a list of offerings on the Archdiocese website


Pre-Nuptial Investigation Form

  • Completed with the officiating priest or deacon

Four Witness Testimony Forms

  • Two for the bride and two for the groom
  • More details will be provided upon your initial meeting

Please note: Friday weddings cannot start before 4:30pm

Saturday weddings will start no later than 2pm. 


Wedding Registration Form

Wedding Check List Form